Applied Hydrogeology - Fetter - 4t Edition - Chapter 10 - Solutions

10.1 A saline solution with a concentration of 1823 mg/L is introduced into a 2-m-long sand column in which the pores are initially filled with distilled water. If the solution drains through the column at an average linear velocity of 1.43 m/day and the dynamic dispersivity of the sand column is 15 cm, what would the concentration of the effluent be 0.7 day after flow begins?
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10.2 Given the flow situation in Problem 1, what would the effluent concentration be 1.1 days after flow begins?
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10.3 A landfill is leaking an effluent with a concentration of sodium of 1250 mg/L. It seeps into an aquifer with a hydraulic conductivity of 9.8 m/day, a gradient of 0.0040, and an effective porosity of 0.15. A down-gradient monitoring well is located 25 m from the landfill. What would the sodium concentration be in this monitoring well 300 days after the leak begins? Note: In this problem you will need to find erfc(−x), which is equal to 1 + erf(x).
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10.4 What would the concentration of sodium be at the same time at a monitoring well located 37 m down- gradient of the leaking landfill?
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10.5 What is the relative velocity of a solute front of a solute-soil system with a distribution coefficient of 83 mL/g, a dry bulk density of 2.12 gm/cm3, and a volumetric water content of 0.26?
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10.6 What is the relative velocity of a solute front of a solute-soil system with a distribution coefficient of 3.9 mL/g, a dry bulk density of 1.88 gm/cm3, and a volumetric water content of 0.20?
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10.7 A capture well is pumping at a rate of 37,000 ft3/day from a confined aquifer with a hydraulic conductivity of 920 ft/d, an initial hydraulic gradient of 0.0027, and an initial saturated thickness of 40 ft.
(A) What is the maximum width of the capture zone?
(B) What is the distance from the well to the stagnation point?

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10.8 A capture well is pumping at a rate of 2500 m3/day from a confined aquifer with a hydraulic conductivity of 1425 m/day, an initial hydraulic gradient of 0.00076, and a saturated thickness of 31 m.
(A) What is the maximum width of the capture zone?
(B) What is the distance from the well to the stagnation point?

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